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Employee Appreciation - It's a Big Deal

So, what makes your association, company, or organization head and shoulders above the competition? Is it your value prop? Is it your features and benefits? Your product line? Nope, nope and NOPE! It’s your staff. I once had a CEO who called this the secret sauce to company success. It boils down to the fact that #relationshipsmatter. Showing thanks and gratitude is a great way to build a winning team and organization.

As event geeks, shining a spotlight on our great partners and team members who constantly hit it out of the park for our clients is natural for us - it’s in our DNA. Staff Appreciation Day is today, and in case you are still looking for ways to thank your amazing staff, we thought we would share our 10 favorite things we do to celebrate the awesomeness of our team. Feel free to try one for the day- or heck, go crazy and try this for 365 days. We promise you (and your bottom line) are going to love the results.

1. Two words. Sundae Bar.

2. Breakfast with the Boss. Ask leadership to make and/or serve breakfast to the team/staff. Being in service is a powerful way to impact group dynamics and collaboration.

3. Dance Party. Pull out the boom box, clear the tables and chairs, and get ready to shake your tail feathers. Dance off anyone?

4. Movie Night Gift Cards. Hand out two theater gift cards so your team can spend a fun afternoon with their favorite plus one.

5. Standing O Award. This monthly award is bestowed upon the team member who has gone the extra mile. Be warned, the competition to win this honor will be fierce.

6. Cooking Up Success. Take your team to a cooking school and let them make and take home a week’s worth of meals. Time after work is super valuable, and this will give your team time out of the kitchen for something they love.

7. Bliss Out. Bring in a masseur or massage chair to the office and let people bliss out for 30 minutes.

8. Free Pass Friday. Give your staff one free Friday afternoon per quarter. Knocking off at noon is a great way to let people recharge and reconnect.

9. Couch Coach. For the person who has traveled the most miles in the quarter, upgrade them to First Class on a business trip of their choice. Hot towel? Yes, please!

10 Ask Your Employees What They Want. When it gets down to brass tacks, staff appreciation day is about them… not you. Give staff the reins to drive how they would like to be recognized.

We would love to hear how you celebrate Staff Appreciation Day. Share your favorite ideas in the comments!


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